In 2010, China’s output of primary magnesium was 950,000 tons, up from 600,000 tons in 2006

China Magnesium Industry Report, 2010 – Chinese magnesium industry keeps expanding in production scale in recent years and China has become the world�s largest magnesium producer and exporter by virtue of abounding magnesium ore resources such as dolomite, magnesite and magnesium salts. In 2006, China�s output of primary magnesium was less than 600,000 tons, and the figure soared to 950,000 tons in 2010, making up nearly 90% of global total.

With provision for the magnesium industry layout by region, the production of primary magnesium concentrates in eight provinces including Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Henan, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, etc., among which, Shanxi and Shaanxi occupy in excess of half of the total primary magnesium output across China.

Concerning corporate pattern of magnesium industry, most domestic key magnesium producers including Taiyuan Tongxiang Magnesium, Yinguang Magnesium Industry, Ningxia Hui-ye Magnesium and Taiyuan Yiwei Magnesium Industry (Group) all focus on the production of primary magnesium with inclusion of making downstream magnesium products like magnesium alloy, magnesium powder and magnesium extrusions, except Nanjing Yunhai Special Metals which is the sole professional manufacturer of magnesium alloys.

As the largest primary magnesium manufacturer in China, Taiyuan Tongxiang Magnesium had formed annual production capacities as of 2010 of 150,000-ton primary magnesium, 20,000-ton high-quality magnesium alloy, 6,000-ton magnesium alloy profiles and 1,200-ton magnesium alloy die-castings.

Yinguang Magnesium Industry is the major manufacturing base of primary magnesium and magnesium alloy in China. As of 2010, its capacity of primary magnesium reached 80,000 tons and that of magnesium alloy hit 30,000 tons. In recent years, the company steps up developing downstream magnesium products. And the projects under construction in 2010 included 2-million magnesium alloy automotive hub production line and 3,600-ton magnesium extrusion production line.

Ningxia Hui-ye Magnesium is the largest primary magnesium and magnesium alloy manufacturing base in Ningxia, realizing 70,000 tons of magnesium-series product capacity these years. In 2009, the company�s output of primary magnesium registeredt 52,276 tons, ranking the third place in China.

Click for report details:,-2010-542837.asp?prk=3deb59f2e7dc856b917cd49e3cfbea9d

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